Pop-Up Groups
Freedom of Simplicity
JoAnn Flaherty | Monday, Sept. 19 (7-8:30 PM) |45 Brooks Lane, Ashland
In our culture, more is better. The pace of our acquiring can cause our lives to be fracture and fragmented. Simplicity can slow us down and calm us. Christian simplicity is rooted in Biblical tradition and the life of Jesus. This class will explore simplicity through the book, Freedom of Simplicity by Richard Foster.
Spiritual Friendship
Carol Heisel | Monday, Oct. 17 (7-8:30 PM) | Church Chapel
All of us have experienced friendship in one form or another. But what is a “spiritual friendship” and how does it form? These and other questions will be discussed, as study spiritual friendship through the lens of Jesus.
Keeping The Holidays Holy
Dr. Karen McClintock | Thursday, Nov. 3 (7-9 PM) | Multipurpose Room
Holidays are fraught with potentially overwhelming dynamics. These include disappointing family relationships, and pressures to over-indulge in food, drink, and gifts. Unrealistic expectations can run us ragged. This workshop is designed to help us stay focused on light in the darkness, the gift of Jesus, and loving gratitude during the holiday season.
Weekend Seminary
Armor of Light
Bruce Borgerson | Saturday, Oct. 29 (1-4 PM) | 209 Sleepy Hollow Dr., Ashland
The movie, Armor of Light will be shown. This documentary is about a pro-life evangelical pastor who becomes a gun control crusader. A discussion about the film will be held after its showing.
Study Groups
Call To Covenant
Leigh Madsen | Sundays, Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (9-10AM) | Church Library
Call to Covenant is part of a series called Living The Questions. This DVD series features today’s leading religious voices discussing such topics as social justice, prayer, compassion, and creative transformation. The videos will lead the class into interesting discussions.
Seeds of Christian Contemplation
Ken Gudger | Thursdays, Sept. 22-Oct. 20 (7-8PM) | Church Library
All the world’s great religions recognize some form of sacred mystical experience. In our Christian tradition we refer to this as contemplation and its roots go back to the beginning of Christianity. During five gatherings we’ll explore, discuss, and practice our 2,000 year old tradition of Christian contemplation.
Table Matters Groups
Table Matters @ The Borgerson Table
Wednesdays, Sept. 14 & 28, Oct. 12 & 26 (6PM) | 209 Sleepy Hollow Dr., Ashland
Table Matters is a shared communal practice that uses the act of gathering around a table for a common meal as an opportunity for spiritual formation. Over four weeks, we will engage in a simple but focused discussion, as we explore the various ways we feel God moving in our lives.