The first thing you will notice about the Ashland First United Methodist Church is the welcome. You are truly and deeply welcome at Ashland UMC where we believe all are beloved in the eyes of our good creator God.

Our worship, our ministries, and our outreach all revolve around our deep conviction that God actively reaches out to us and invites us to know the divine more deeply. We as a congregation meet our faith reverently and joyfully. We are a congregation engaged in a life of scripture, faith, social action and love of neighbor. We seek to emulate our creator in making it known in the world that all God's people, and all of creation, are beloved of God.

Have questions? 

Of course! We do, too. Ask and let us see what the conversation might bring us. We start with the conviction that God is Good and you are Beloved. We grow from there. 

Need prayer?

We welcome the opportunity to pray for you. Come and share your concerns with us. We have a place to light candles as well as to write down a prayer to be prayed over by the pastor. We know that life can be crazy hard sometimes. Our faith teaches us that we are never alone for God is with us.

Got kids? 

Our ministries especially loved by our families with kids include day, weekend, and summer camp for kids of all ages. Our Sunday School is designed to be fun and formational for children and youth. We know how important it is for them to know they are deeply loved. 

Creative Connections is an after-school enrichment program. 

What about LGBTQIA+ people. Is everyone really welcome?

Absolutely! If you read any churchy news, you may be aware that our larger denomination is in the middle of a very big and painful argument about the role of LGBTQIA+ people in the church. You need to know that Ashland First United Methodist is a Reconciling Congregation. That means that we, along with many, many other United Methodists, fully and wholly declare our belief that every person is a beloved child of God. Every. Single. One. Not only are welcome here; you are wanted here!