Sunday Morning Worship & Welcome

Welcome to Ashland and the First United Methodist Church of Ashland! We are so glad you are reading this to learn more about us. We are a progressive faith community who take the inclusive nature of the Gospel seriously. We look forward to meeting you.

Our family-friendly worship service is at 10:30am on Sunday in our main sanctuary. We also offer a faith enrichment experience for our children during the worship time.

We know it is a little strange to go somewhere new. Additionally, there are many kinds of churches. It can be difficult to sort them all out. Here, then, are some key things to know about us: 

We welcome families and children. 

All persons, LGBTQIA+ are welcomed,  loved, and belong here. 

We care about the created world, social good, and justice for all. 

We teach the goodness, love, and power of God. 

We are 'Wesleyan,' meaning we believe God works in and with everyone.

We know that you, and each of us, are beloved.


One of the first things you might notice about is that we are a balance tradition and possibility. For us, tradition is not a cage of routine, but a foundation of wisdom that informs the present. Possibility is about our openness to being guided by Christ's Spirit in new and innovative ways. 

When we worship together on Sundays, our collective effort goes into creating space for people to encounter the wonder and mystery of God. We believe that authentic worship involves sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. We chose the colors of worship carefully, and there are often lights and candles, stones and fabrics, that help us see and experience the stories we share in worship.


Joy. Mystery. Belonging.

When we gather, our shared presence before God becomes holy.  Our entering songs engage all ages and our little ones, ushering them in by joy to the love of God. We bring the community together during a time of centering, ushering in peace and reflection. Our service includes scripture reading, a time for the children, prayers, special music, offering, and a sermon. The last thing we do together is our shared benediction reminding us that we are a family of belonging and shalom. 


Children are a welcome and encouraged part of our Sunday morning! Our first gathering songs help keep the little ones engaged and our Children's Message is delivered for all ages to enjoy. Following the Children's Message, children are invited to go to Sunday School. Our curriculum is top notch, our goal is to teach children the stories of God's goodness, so that they learn about God's love for them, their families, and their world. In addition to Sunday School, there is a quiet room with a changing table and rocking chair for moms and dads who prefer a quiet place for rocking or feeding their babies. And, moms are always welcome to breastfeed their babies on demand wherever they may be.


Music is an important part of our church worship. On Sundays we share in the singing of songs and hymns, as well as have the blessing of congregational music such as a choir anthem. Always, there is piano and organ music played with true musicianship that transports the heart and soul. Our special music is drawn all types of genres, from classical to contemporary. Living in Ashland means our community is richly blessed with music, and we are so grateful. 


Communion is a means of Grace whereby the people of God can experience God's Love. The practice of communion is an ancient practice, at the center of Christian worship from the very beginning of the early church. Holy Communion is celebrated every first Sunday of the month during our 10:30am worship service. Our table is open to any all persons, regardless.  We also include a gluten-free option. 


One of the most important gifts a human being can ever receive is the ability to see themselves in the story of God—to embrace the reality that God is with us and that we've been invited to participate in a life with God through Jesus Christ. Each week we tell and re-tell the story of God in the hope that we can all begin to see our place in that story. 


At Ashland First United Methodist Church, we want to learn how to follow Jesus in every aspect of our lives, and this includes giving back with joy our offering to God. Giving is an act not only of deep gratitude, but also a way to celebrate. Our financial gifts help meet the needs of the local community and wider world. Right here in Southern Oregon we support foodbanks, shelters, and justice movements. God’s gifts flow through each of us by our time, our talents, and our financial contributions. Thank you to all who give of themselves for God's good world.